Saturday, April 4, 2009

Tie-Dyed Easter Eggs

My sister found this WAY cool way to dye easter eggs...with SILK TIES!! Here's how to do it
Mine didn't come out nearly as bright as the ones in the tutorial, and it's hard to wrap it so there aren't any white advice is if you're doing a bigger batch, maybe add more vinegar? I'm not sure, but I did them with a friend of mine and it was a lot of fun!! (and I apologize I cannot get clear photos, but you get the idea)
ps. in case you didn't catch on, the silk behind is the corresponding tie


The Tanner Thompsons said...

Sweet!! Those turned out good! our's are boiling right now, but we only have one tie right now, DI didn't have any!!!! Stupid! So i got to find more somewhere

Anonymous said...

We have some you can borrow, Bets

also, try sewing the smaller pieces together

CMHill said...

CUTE! Also nice story below.

Lisa Michelle said...

Katy, those turned out so great!!! Nice job!

ps - and Sophie wants to spell her name. Here she is:

sophie mom dad katy micah

"i will draw lots of a's {insert mischievous laughter]":


Lisa Michelle said...

hi -- we're back again. Sophie is BEGGING to "draw" in the "square" (the comment box). So, here she is again!

iehcryhyuv4ru g wdbjurfmu8djru8f5uumuftu
i love you katy

The Tanner Thompsons said...

you've always been a tramp to me... but what do you mean we didn't always have a tramp?! its not at mom and dad's. Tanner and I set one up in the backyard here last summer

ROAST said...

How fun! We are having an easter egg hunt party this Saturday (You should come if your in Provo this coming weekend) and should try that out.

Swoopref said...

Priecīgas Lieldienas! Nice olu darbs jums ir tur ... Mums garām jums un mīlu redzēt jūsu emuāru. Vai blog tulkot?? Saglabājiet manu latviešu talants noslēpums ... ļauj redzēt, cik ilgi tā pieņem Cris vai Bryce zīmējumam tas.

The Tanner Thompsons said...

what the heck brian?! he knows a foreign language?!

Nikki said...

Mykenzie is jealous...