Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Let's Go (all the way) Back to Graduation...

We wanted to backtrack a little bit... since so much has happened in the last few months, the upcoming months might look kind of bland, so we're going to cheat and make our lives look fascinating by going back to the past.

So finally after 5 full years at BYU (starting in Fall '01, taking a sabbatical from Fall '03 -Summer '05....I seriously heard some girl call her mission a sabbatical, so I think it makes me sound quite important, so I'm going to start saying that too....then starting back Fall '05 and finishing Spring '08), I have graduated! Micah graduated with his master's in electrical engineering the year before me and started work at Sandia Labs in Albuquerque, NM, but would come visit Provo every other weekend. Luckily, it was his weekend to come up when I graduated, so he got to be there for my big day! There were 2 parts: Elder Bednar spoke to the whole class of '08 on Thursday, but I didn't want to be there by myself, so I worked instead. Micah came into town that night, helped clean up and move out for cleaning checks on Friday morning, then attended graduation for my college Friday afternoon.

Micah's Graduation: August '07

These are the pro photos....not as good as our wedding photographer,
but we didn't have much say in this one ;o)

Micah took this one! Just as good as the others, eh?

Unfortunately, I don't have the picture right now, but after graduation, they served BYU CHOCOLATE MILK!!!!! Crates and crates full of this stuff everywhere! Now, most of you probably haven't experienced this stuff, but it is THE BEST! Lisa Michelle (one of my sisters Lisa) totally agrees and Micah, who doesn't even like chocolate, became an addict. So if there was one thing I would have enjoyed from BYU on my graduation day, it would have been that. Couldn't have asked them for a better graduation present!
Micah's degree is pretty straightforward. Electrical Engineering. At least, I thought it was straight forward. I couldn't tell you exactly what they do, but I know it's a lot with computers and antennaes and trying to make sense of signals in the universe (trying to see if aliens are sending any morse code basically). However, despite most people's confusion, he CANNOT wire a house or even fix a DVD player, at least, not by trade, any better than anyone else could try.
I, on the other hand, majored in Exercise Science. Not really straightforward, either, I'm finding out. I am NOT a gym teacher...I never took a single class that told me the rules of baseball/kickball/steal the bacon, nor did anyone teach me what goes on in a little child's mind and what I need to do to develop it and how those types of games help. And not to let you down again, but I really have never been to a gym and could not write a fitness program for you, tell you how to lift weights, bulk up or slim down, any better than most people. Sorry :( Basically, I'm a jack of a few trades, master of none...I took some biochemistry, nutrition, patho/physiology, technical writing, regular chemistry, geology, flexibility, biokinematics, statistics, and humanities and history just like everyone else who didn't want to. It's a great program for pre-med, pre-dentistry, pre-PT school....lots of that kind of stuff. None of which I plan to go onto right now. This much I am qualified to tell you, though...that chocolate milk I was talking about earlier: drink that every day and FOR sure, you'll see a weight change. Go ahead and take the challenge and tell me if that's an increase or decrease !

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Jumping on the Bandwagon....finally :O)

So due to popular demand I am/we are starting a blog! This will be hit or miss as far as new postings go, because of the lack of internet at the moment, but at least we can keep every one "posted" (haha) on our lives down here in good ol' Albuquerque, as most of you won't be passing through here any time soon, although you are MORE than welcome to!! (please come visit, we've got an extra mattress and big living room floor and you can even camp on the balcony!!! it'd be so fun to see any of you!)