Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Spring Break

For Spring Break, we went to visit Bryce & Lisa in Austin! We've been trying to figure out a time to go down there since they moved there in the fall.
I didn't take many pictures, but here are a very few...
Soph thought this was pretty funny-talking to Grandma & Grandpa over Skype...from a box!

Bryce had lined up these guests for a surprise visit for us!
This is the Nelsons-she was my YW leader when I was 14 or so and her husband was my seminary teacher my freshman year (he was out of town). It was an absolute highlight to the trip to get to see them again. I feel old because Lauren, the daughter in blue, is now a teenager. I remember her when she was like 2.
Betsy and Tanner braved the long car ride back with us to spend a few days in Albuquerque before going back to Idaho Falls. We LOVED having them here! It's so fun to have familiar faces here. Again, not many pics, but here are the few I have:
up on top of Sandia Crest. We rode the world's longest tram to get up there. Beautiful sunset from the top! Betsy said that Abq is colder than Idaho Falls! HA!

They checked out our soon-to-be-new-place!

And Tanner loved seeing the Air Force Base where Micah works and they also spent some time at the National Nuclear Science & History Museum...while Betsy & I did some Easter crafting.
Most of you looking at this blog, probably also check out Besty's, but here is a way better photo journal of my spring break! Austin Albuquerque

1 comment:

The Tanner Thompsons said...

i look very much like a muzzy in the picture in your townhouse... yikes