Tuesday, September 14, 2010


we've been doing some projects, naturally. So I found this lamp at Goodwill this summer and realized it had this cool night light feature. However, it's like 40 yrs old and when I got home, it wasn't working, even though it'd worked at the store. It made Micah nervous to have old wiring in the house and so that was kind of the end of that. But then I started to revamp it and told Micah about this feature and he'd wanted a nightlight, so he figured out how to do 2 sockets on one switch and completely rewired it for me! I repainted it and I had to get a lampshade for it, but we totally are proud of this project. A lot of effort for light, but you gotta admit, it is pretty cool-and unique, huh?

....And finally got some furniture. We've spent a night or 2 last week like this! Our friends make fun of us for being so 'calm' about having a baby. Friends that are having babies had this stuff set up months ago and are due after us. I'm not sure it's calmness; I just really haven't been worked up over a crib because the baby's not going to sleep in it for a few months anyways, but now that there's an actual nursery set up with some clothes in the drawers, we somehow do feel better. Something to kill time while we wait....


Anonymous said...

great lamp
you are so clever

Swoopref said...

Calm and clever... you are good!

Nikki said...

a finished product would be great. and LOVE the lamp!

Wallace said...

I LOVE the lamp! Katy I wish you lived closer!! You could teach me all of these cool things you do! I totally get the calm thing, everyone saying that you are going to go through this "getting ready" thing, whatever, I think it's SO over rated! Nesting syndrome I think is what it's called. Power to the calm family!!!