So far all of you out there waiting on pins and needles for us to post an update-we didn't take our camera out over Christmas at all! We had a blast, spending one week in Boston (my first time back since our wedding, which was nice) and New Year's week in Michigan. If you want to see more detail of Boston at least and you're not one of my siblings, I'll direct you over to the family blog links on the side here (and if you are a sibling, you've already seen all that so you don't need the help).
Since Christmas Break:
Windows, garage doors, painted trim & doors....
a great view...but that's always been there
plumbing (how dumb is this? Some new code says that copper piping has to stick out of the wall above the washer & dryer...NEVER seen that before. And not really a fan if you can't tell)
Stucco prep! This is a whole new thing for us. The CM was offended when Micah called this stuff chicken wire and told him how much tougher it Micah called it 'turkey wire' and Dale just laughed.
and just for fun....isn't my hubby the cutest?